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Researchers from Lodz University of Technology participate in the European FLEXIndustries consortium, which brings together 36 international institutions. Experts from the Institute of Turbomachinery Lodz University of Technology and the K-FLEX Lodz - Uniejów company are one of the Polish members.
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In the new edition of the Erasmus+ programme for activities with non-affiliated (non-EU) third countries, Lodz University of Technology will receive funding to carry out exchanges with universities in 18 countries on almost all continents.
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Lodz University of Technology, in a consortium with business partners from Poland and Turkey, will develop a household wind turbine capable of cooperation and integration with other renewable energy sources. The National Centre for Research and Development and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey have granted more than €300,000 for the research.
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The European Universities Games opened with a ceremony that had all the elements worthy of a major sporting and academic event. For the athletes, the greatest thrill and joy was walking across the tarmac of the Atlas Arena, for Rector Prof. Jóźwik it was a rain of confetti that fell on the stage when he cut the ribbon, symbolising with this act the opening of the Games, and for the others it was a wonderful music and film show.
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The name "C CUBE" is the mathematical form of the C3 acronym for the words Composites/Costructions/Controls, which are the company's main areas of interest. The motivation for starting the C3 company's business is the desire to fill the market niche that is NDT (non-destructive testing) of structures made of composite materials.

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